Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Wow.. Its been a while since Ive been here.. And for good reason.
Nothing new to write about..
I mean, we all know that our problems are all petty when viewed from a third persons eye..
we know that we should NOT let a relationship be any indication of us as people and of our personality..
we know that any problem can be solved by talking it out.. As long as you have the power of negotiating..
we know that our beliefs are ruining the planet.. well some of us do anyway..
yet we constantly, whether consciously or not, seek pity from others.
Pity and approval..
Why do YOU care? why DO you care?
what difference does it make if one more person out there has a negative impression of you? are you forever going to try to fit into preset moulds? that is the only surefire way to be accepted..
Why are people who drink, smoke and dope said to be doing a bad/negative/evil thing?
Boohoo you shouldn't eat this and you shouldn't be doing that..
Its like a constant attempt on our part to try and get into this huge fraternity we call 'society'.. only we all pale when compared to the absolute.. the perfect societal man... who exists only in our minds and text books..

most of our basic freedoms have been revoked by we ourselves..

yet instead of attempting to make a change, we go about indulging the very system that has a foot holding us down.

Remember, we're only as free as we realize we are..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Time After Time...

Do you ever wondered what life would be like in slow motion? Do you think we'd have a sudden respect for the nitty gritty aspects of life we often take for granted? Personally, I'd like to know what life felt like slowed down, with a good soundtrack throw in for good measure.. Life imitating art, to use that old clinker..
Days move fast.. way too fast for us to realize the true practical value of them.. Time flies when you're having fun? i don't for a second doubt it..
Days gone back will never return.. many of us spend hours staring into the looking glass at images of our fruitful pasts. we just can't let it go, not even if we wanted to..
Quarter life crisis.. Greatly underestimated.. keep hearing comparisons from elders about how we're losing it.. I mean the term didn't even exist when they were still fooling around..
Having an end plan.. too over hyped.. its a pity that you have to either conform or be shunned.. bend or break they tell me.. its a little late now huh? rebellion has already been hard wired into some of our systems..
Playing the game is easy.. It all depends on how you want your prize.. cash or kind..
Manipulating people is easy too, depending or how heavy you want your emotional baggage to be.. you'll never fly with too much you know..
None of us have the right to say that their life isn't going according to plan, because we're all capable of changing our life.. your job and relationship problems aren't what you should be losing hair over.. Stick around, the big guns are about to be unveiled.
People want to make mountains of molehills.. Correction, they do not 'want' to as much as they 'have' to... exaggeration is part of life..
So spare me the gory details of your past relationships, addictions and other problems, you know that you're only as strong as you want to be..
Emotions cloud all our judgments.. urge people to fly off cliffs and try to take on trains.. yet we'd rather be fooled by them time again instead of getting the upper hand of things..
Our lives would make a pretty interesting soap opera to extraterrestrial secretly monitoring our planet..