Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So we do what we do…

Aren’t we all supposed to know what we want? I mean what we want from life. What we want from our selves! And yet, with every passing day we only show a heightened sense of confusion prevalent amongst the best of us..
Every new day we make new choices for ourselves that we on most occasions make to the best of our conscience. Where am I getting with this? We all regret the choices we make.. What then allows us to make these horrible choices that we know we’re going to regret! Emotion? Mental incapability? Nope.. Just plain stupidity. The ‘What If’ factor I call it.. We all like to tempt fate.. Cause lives too normal my average Joe reader, we all try to make it a bit more interesting by adding the freak factor in..
So what do you do when staring with options? You chose the most insane one, that’s what you do! But you’re brain makes up a whole back story for you wherein you had no other choice really.. That truly becomes the only choice you ever had to begin with.. Yes Mr Officer, I swear, Im not drive while drunking my truck!!
How do you make choices more in line with whats good for you? Im sorry, you don’t.. Cause if you do that, what will the new onslaught of reality shows feed off? What will office gossip groups do without you! What other reason will your parents/children have to hate you?
So go! Go forth onto the world my stupid children! Make this world a better place.. One stupid act at a time..

The thin red line.

There’s a very obvious line dividing the mental cases from the obviously religious ones. Or is there? Already the topic of various courses, lectures, stand up comedies, err. . So one’s mans god is another man’s schizophrenia.. Strange, I was remember being told as a child, if I stayed really quiet and listened intently; I would hear the voice of God, or of his angels. I never did.. But that’s ok. He was probably busy with other things, like telling someone in Afghanistan to blow up a school that taught modern values like equality to women.
Now im not saying the main man is the one to blame, not fully. He can’t be fully blamed for the idiots running around poking each other with toothpicks in his name.. But can’t he accept a little of the blame? Isn’t he big enough for that? Imagine you created this world, ok, chuck that, Imagine I created this world. And the world got this far, with the same conditions as is now.. people were running around killing each other, healing each others, touching each other, yea I see you Benny hinn!! You get off him! Anyway, if I saw all that happening, I’d make my displeasure known! By stuffing a grenade up Osama’s butt.. and another one up Mr Bush.. But do you see that happening?
Am I to believe that someone who created us, that some of us sing and dance for, has fallen so off his game that he doesn’t care what we do anymore? (Ohh please let this not attract any Jesus nuts, I mean GOD in the broader sense.. you know, Allah, Krishna, Buddha, Yahweh the whole shebang)
If god is anything like the kinda god I’d be, he probably lived as a mortal called Elvis Presley and now he’s vacationing in Acapulco..