We're all born innocent..
Born into a world that's anything but.
true, we make the best of it, losing a little of our innocence at every stop. The more stops you make, the higher you go..
Gosh I remember being small.. Such an uncomplicated life we lead then..
Who knew it would get this messed up.
But do you know whats really messed up? Complicated lives are optional..
We all are fully aware of how much we opt for.. yet, like bugs to a light..
Know what is really messy? Relationships..
Think of a life that is practical to the core..
Sure mainstream media will lead you to believe we're all societal beings that cannot function without any non-practical relationships.
But ponder over it for just a minute...
Relationships not based in practicality are just plain messy.. they almost never go they way you intend.
As children we all thought life would be a breeze.. Ahh well.. little did we know.
What changed? We grew up in a rosy land of fairy tales and stories..
and suddenly were ripped almost brutally from the cozy womb of lullaby land and thrown into the pit of the brutal practical world..
Its about time we faced the facts.. We live in a world not that dissimilar to the matrix..
We're here as a result of evolution. That almost cuts out the possibility of us having a pre-planned end game or a 'destiny' if you will..
that would make our only purpose here, to further propagate our current species until the need to further evolve arises. And also to progress as a species, effectively cutting out any room for 'emotional' entanglements..
Every action performed in the name of 'emotion' has practical reasoning to it. well almost all. Everything we do in a relationship, we do because of practical purposes. Right from being selfish to being caring to the eternally complicated mind games revolving sex.. Many books on the subject will more than prove my point.
What am i getting at?
All im saying is, identify which of our relationships have practicality deeply embedded in them.. Those are your lasting ones.
and lastly, please don't subscribe to the propaganda sold to you by various forms of media.. Don't let a few people with journalism/media degrees influence the way you think..
If not believing in non-practical relationships makes me shallow, then there exists an urgent need to re-define what being 'shallow' means..