Friday, October 22, 2010

Dear Desmond.. You're a slave..

This is a message from the ITSupport.

The web site you are trying to access:
is listed as a site within the category DatingAndMatrimonials
Current Internet Access Configuration does not allow you to visit sites within this category at this time.

ME: So I have no access to what I write and what is ideally a part of my brain..
The MAN: I’m sorry Desmond; I guess you weren’t as important as you thought you were.

Me: I’m on your side as far as blocking nonsense, I’d sign any petition you give me to not receive a brain numbing video of a monkey flinging poo or a supposedly ‘comical parody’ of a song I like.
The MAN: Ahh, you’re starting to see our point here.

Me: I was even open about the fact that that you thought Facebook would corrupt our work ethic and general decorum. I mean all people seem to do around here is tend to their farms.
The MAN: That WAS a bit odd. You completely missed the point though. Facebook privileges are taken away to break your spirit. The less time you spend on frivolous nonsense like virtually ‘poking’ people into a state of agitation, the faster you will realize that I own your ass. I always have, always will.

Me: Isn’t that just living in a state of disillusion? Owning people is passé and died out with the colonists. You can’t own people, heck, never their minds!
The MAN: Yea? See you not on facebook right now? Tried to access youtube and other rubbish to no avail? What else do you have to do? Im going to bore you into working. And when your spirit finally breaks with the barrage of work I throw at you, you’ll be hooked for life.

Me: What about blogger and google reader! Those aren’t nonsense, they help me express and grow as a person! I get to be abreast of happening all around the world and I get to explore a more philosophical side to myself, knowing myself better with each passing day.
The MAN: Boy really. Do you think I care about your personal growth! You’re just another slave! Slaves don’t get privileges! Slaves get no compassion! Slaves get no personal enlighten! SLAVES GET NO MERCY! They break mental bricks on ancient computers we provide. They’re not given faster processing lest they get accustomed to convenience! They’re given music privileges so that their minds are occupied and thus they remain in their state of lull and complacence forever!

Me: Fair enough. But riddle me this, why is google blogger listed in the category of Dating and Matrimonials?
The MAN: Err. Umm..