People are strange.. To a certain level, most of us are by nature, not very confrontational. That is not a bad trait in the least. Except that sometimes a lazy attitude towards certain issues have very serious long term implications.
We all believe in different perceptions of the same absolute truth.. That we perceive it differently only highlights our human weakness. That we refuse to acknowledge another person's perception of what we believe in highlights our human ego.
Issues like pollution and corruption are common knowledge. Well essentially know what the outcome of our wayward polluting ways is going to be. We've all watched that documentary starring Al Gore. Yet, none of us wishes to take a definitive stand.
We know that the burning fossil fuels are the rate we currently are will lead to the earth being submerged one day. Does the fact that we're not moving towards implementing a solution bring to light our inability at a personal level or the fact that we simply believe we're not going to be around to face the ultimate consequences? I've used the term "implementing a solution" only because solutions to fossil fuels pre-exist. Organizations like Big Oil prevent them from ever reaching a wider audience and its easy to see why.
We taught (*READ: brainwashed) through various sources of media right from the time we can speak to use oil instead of seeking pollution free alternatives. Don't believe me?
What practical sense does it make to own a gas guzzler in a crowded city like Mumbai?
Males are taught to associate power with manliness. Hence the apparent popularity of vehicles like the Hummer.. Why haven't concepts like solar and electric powered cars gained popularity? Why has Mumbai seen the release of the NANO before the release of the minicat by TATA? ( Simply because we as consumers refused to make wiser choices.
For the sake of the world, its time to shift from wanting to be "manly men" with bigger and more powerful polluting machines to being men with bigger and more powerful NON POLLUTING machines.
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